Ashley Ellensohn

Monday, September 19, 2011

My Bucket List

            There are many things I want to do before I die. Some of these things are for my own benefit and others are in the interest of those around me. These are not things that I have to get done every week like most of my lists but rather a list of goals. They are meant to inspire me and drive me to my full potential.
            Some things on my bucket list are just general goals for my life. These include becoming a veterinarian, getting married, having children, and being a kind person. Other goals I have are more specific, such as get a 4.0 in college, challenge myself, be a respected student, be well known, make an impression, and be a remodel.
            I also have a list of things I want to do for my own sake. These things are more inspiring, and fulfilling, in my opinion. Things such as climb a mountain, build an orphanage in Honduras, change someone’s life, master a different language, visit our family farm in Germany, go horseback riding on the beach, swim with a dolphin, ride a motorcycle, be in two places at once, see a shooting star, learn to play the guitar, find a cure for a disease and run my own veterinary clinic.
            These goals may be more far off but I figure if I don’t accomplish them who will?

1 comment:

  1. Wow, you have some great goals and it seems like you have a very fulfilling and adventurous life ahead of you! I hope you can check everything you want to off your list!
